7th Feb, 2023

A user role is a predefined category that can be assigned to users on the basis of their LMS system, title or some other criteria. Roles are typically used to present customized versions, or views, of a form template to different types of users. Roles assign provides a way for system administrators to group permissions and assign them to users or user groups. Permissions define the actions that a user can perform in an instructor position. When they assign roles, administrators consider the tasks of a user in the context of a particular student, staff, organization or contributed by the affiliation market.

Short Direction: { Infix LMS> Dashboard> User Type> Role Assign> Select Role> Filter> SL> Name> Instructor> Student> Staff> Organaization> Affiliate.}

Another example of a role is "an individual in the role of a student is expected to care for their teacher to assign them from understand the LMS systematically approached. This is a paid module, so if anyone can buy it for operating the system functionality as students can switch on the instructor section.

1- Role Assign

2- Select a Role

3- Filter

4- SL

5- Name

6- Instructor

7- Student

8- Staff

9- An organization is an entity—such as a company, an institution, or an association, comprising one or more people and having a particular purpose.

10- Affiliate marketing arrangement in which affiliates receive a commission for each visit, signup or sale they generate for a merchant. This arrangement allows businesses to outsource part of the sales process.

Switch to Instructor:

Off-course the admin can create an instructor manually from the Infix LMS dashboard panel by going to the student Dashboard to the login section and finding the switch option to Instructors. After providing the instructor's credentials, when you are defining the user role you need to click the Instructor from the list. 

Short Direction: {Infix LMS> Student Dashboard> Login Section> Switch to Instructor.}

Instructors have a responsibility to establish and maintain a productive, inclusive, and stimulating learning environment. Both instructors and students have a fundamental obligation to respect the instructional setting as a place of Infix LMS system management.

1- Dashboard in Student ID 

2- The login Section provided you with the assigned role of Instructor, Student, Staff or Affiliation.

3-  Switch to Instructor