The InfixLMS homepage slider image can be changed by following these instructions. If you want to know how to set up a new picture in sliding automatically or build your homepage by using the Aorapagebuilder section. A homepage slider shows consumers what their options are, and gives an overview, helping them to decide what action to take next. There are many different types of sliders to choose from.

Following the Short Direction:

  • Go to the InfixLMS dashboard to find the frontend CMS to click on the slider.

  • Here user can add a new picture for homepage sliding.

  • If the user wants to change the slider translation time then click on the Banner/Slider settings.

  • If you want to build your homepage in a way of new design then go to the Aorapagebuilder section to find the Homepage section to click on the design option in the action bar.

  • A user can drop down or manually change the position of the slider image anywhere.  

  • There are several slider section models if they can use it.

  • If you want to change the Homepage Banner picture then click on the frontend CMS> Banner/Slider Image. 

Add New Slider:

If you want to add a new slider picture in the infixlms homepage then create a new slider by using the title of a separate image. A slider is a control element that uses a knob or lever moved horizontally to control a variable, such as the volume on a radio or brightness on a screen.

Short Direction: {InfixLMS> Dashboard> Frontend CMS> Slider> Add New Slider> Title> Sub Title> Image Upload> Button Type can be text or image> Button Title> Button Link> Save> Status> Select for edit or delete.}

Banner or Slider Setting:

A banner slider is a graphical display that can be used to push instant engagement with your website visitors. They have become a staple of LMS stores and are used primarily to promote campaigns such as course sales and purchasing opportunities, that would otherwise have to be searched for or discovered by chance.

Short Direction: {InfixLMS> Dashboard> Frontend CMS> Banner/Slider Setting> Homepage Banner Upload> Show Menu Search Box> Show Banner Search Box> Slider Translation Time> Save.}

Build New Homepage For Slider:

If you want to add a slide section to your LMS homepage then go to the frontend CMS to find the Aorapage build option to find your existing homepage, click on the action below the design option for new development. 

Short Direction: {InfixLMS> Dashboard> Frontend CMS> Aora Bapebuilder> Home> Select for view, edit or design, click on design option> Click on Plus Button> Find your favourite Banner Slider}

Add Slider In Aorapagebuilder Section:

A user can modify the slider theme for the banner on the InfixLMS homepage. Like a slideshow, Image Sliders show one content or image at a time. The content changes when visitors click to see the next slide, or it changes automatically after a few seconds.

Homepage Slider Example:

Here user can manually click to change the slider image on the homepage banner. For web purposes, sliders are a series of images or text, often utilized on a homepage of a site underneath the header.